Monday, May 31, 2010

TX - MI Signs of the Seasons

For most families Memorial Day signals the start of summer although the summer solstice isn’t until June 21st at 7:28 am EST for 2010.

Friends in Houston informed me 2009-2010 was one of the coldest winters in Houston. Actually it was the sixth coldest winter on record for Houston. It did snow this winter and I’ve never seen so many snowmen in my life as there were in the front of Houston homes.

Often animals can signal changes in the seasons such as my old friend Punxsutawney Phil or the beauty of the monarch butterfly migrations from Mexico to California.

One of the most unusual signs of Spring is exactly every March 15th when the buzzards return to Hinckley Ohio with scientific precision. It’s amazing how these birds return on the exact same day each year.

[Credit to ]

Back in Michigan we used to wait to see robins as a sign of Spring.

In Houston, I realized it was spring and warming up when I began to see the first small lizards running about our garden. They are everywhere.

Kids - Memorial Day 2010

To the men and women who have served the United States of America from Valley Forge to Gettysburg, Bastogne to Bagdad, we express our gratitude for their service.

Thank you from the depths of our hearts.

Required television viewing in our household each year is the PBS National Memorial Day Concert. Below a view of the Armed Forces Medley from a 2008 show.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

TX - MI American Civil War Remembrance

One place we miss visiting is The Henry Ford and Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan.

Every year we would visit the annual Civil War Remembrance event held each Memorial Day weekend. This is a gathering of over 450+ civil war reenactors and their families who camp out within the village itself.

Once you get a Civil War reenactor talking you will never get them to stop talking. Their passion and love for history brings words and images from books into living life.

There are four camps set up within Greenfield Village, the Confederate and Union military camps and the Confederate and Union civilian camps.

Throughout the weekend there are various demonstrations, lectures, and special events. Below are a few photos from last year.

Artillery Firing Demostration

Union Cavalry Demostration

Confederate Infantry Demostration

It is estimated 620,000 American died in the American Civil War more than the combined losses of the Revolutionary War through the Viet Nam.

Below is one of the most moving LOVE letters I have ever heard. It is from Sullivan Ballou to his wife Sarah. It begins at 0:36 on the video track. Music in the background is the “Askokan Farwell.”

[Credit to PBS The Civil War – Ken Burns and the videographer Nuraeriel who posted this video on You Tube.]

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Kids - Hachiko

They say a dog is man’s best friend. At least the most loyal.

How many us of have picked up a stray dog or cat just for the night and became friends forever?

If you’re a dog lover consider viewing the movie Hachi based on the true story a Japanese Akita named Hachiko. (Theatrical trailer below.)

The movie can be dull at times and is probably best for older children but still a great dog story. Warning, it’s a tear jerker.

As the grandson said, “You should never forget anyone that you loved.”

Friday, May 28, 2010


I admit have a character flaw. I can’t stop learning.

My name is Andy and I’m a Learnoholic.

I can spend hours surfing and reading on the Internet everything and anything. I love reading books, the ones you physically hold and read.

This is written a record for my children ages ten and twelve. They don’t read many books but spend hours reading on the Internet and so they will read this blog. They are experts at killing Nazi zombies.

When I was their age in the 1960’s my Internet was called The Columbia Viking Desk Encyclopedia. There have been phenomenal changes in technology since then but I’m still waiting for my flying car. I need one in Houston for the traffic.

This blog will share ideas and insights of how my kids inspire me to learn, the economy and business, my job search as our family recently moved from Livonia, Michigan to Houston, Texas and some even differences between Michigan and Texas.