Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kids - Small World, Small Fish

On Father’s Day we decided to test the fishing waters in the small pond at Mary Jo Peckham Park in Katy. We stopped at Wal-Mart to buy some night crawlers and were surprised to see this product was from Waterford, Michigan, ten miles from where we used to live in Michigan. I would have never guessed living in Houston, Texas I would be buying fishing worms all the way from Waterford, Michigan and had to take a picture of the container.

People at the pond informed us the Texas Fisheries stock the pond every week or so with catfish in the summer and rainbow trout in the winter. We didn’t catch any catfish but caught several very small bluegills and perch.

On the fishing dock at the park are Steven, Dad and Anthony.

[Image credit: Dad]

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